
Showing posts from September, 2022

New Build Network Install (Fall 2021)

This was a project that I did in fall 2021 for a friend of my dad's, and ultimately took around 1.5 months of on and off work to complete. All in all I would say that ~40 hours went in to completing the project. Here's the finished product Final version of the front And here's What I started with Starting point. Giant bundle of unlabeled wires.   The image above is what the cabinet looked like when I started. A giant bundle of cables and old hardware. The giant bundle included 20 Cat6 cables ran for regular ethernet access (2-4 for each room, 3 for ceiling AP's), 16 Cat6 cables ran for cameras, 6 2-wire audio cables, and 5 coax cables, with unfortunately nothing labeled. All the cables in this project were ran by someone else during construction. Crimping all the cables   My first step was to get everything crimped and and then start labeling. I decided on using pass through connectors at the cabinet and puchdown keystone jacks everywhere else. For the cameras I used p...